Thursday, November 24, 2011

This Charming Smith

The Smiths were born in Manchester in 1982 and an aspiring laureate by the name of Morrisey teamed up with the guitar skills from Johnny Marr. Also mentioned in background were the two other members Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce.

It is fair to say Morrisey singing style was different along with his views and style. The name was christened as a shot at the fancy names of the synth bands that were dominating the charts and felt it was his duty to bring things back to perspective.

During there four year existence, The Smiths enjoyed huge influence and a cult appeal. They released four studio albums and countless singles although the highest placed single only reached number 10. Just when mainstream success was on the verge, the band split!

All the members of the Smiths had come from a Punk background and were influenced by 1960's guitar along with the bard of Salford Punk Poet John cooper Clarke. Soon the band released the first single Hand in glove which was championed by Radio one DJ John Peel, However, the single didn't make any impact on the charts. This didn't stop the band from pursuing and the release of This Charming Man and What difference does it make made the top 30 with people now starting to take notice of the band.

Also the look of the band was taking note with a simple shirt and jeans as opposed to the glitzy attire of the new romantics. The loose shirts, NHS glasses and Gladiolas in the back pocket certainly made the smiths different. Also during an appearance on the Old Grey whistle Test Morrisey wore a fake Hearing Aid Kit to show support for the hard of hearing. Unusual but who else could have handled with such mysterious beauty.

With the growing success, they released the first album imaginatively named The Smiths and reached the heady heights of number two. this was followed up by two singles Heaven knows I'm miserable now (there first top 10 hit) and William, it was really nothing (on the b-side was the iconic song How soon is now?). Controversy was always around the corner with certain songs touted by the press as distasteful with subjects of paedophilia and the moors murders. However, Morrisey gained a mutual friendship with Ann West who was the mother of one of the victims Lesley Ann Downey. Morrisey was in fact taking a swipe at the tabloids who sensationalise the devils and forget about the victims and there families.

The band then released the album Meat is Murder (Morrisey is a Vegetarian) with the album gaining critical acclaim and reaching number one in the charts. Again two singles followed with Shakespeare Sister and That Joke isn't funny anymore. The latter barely making the top 50.

The band were fairly prolific in the album market along with there touring and in 1986 they released The Queen is Dead. This saw the release of singles Bigmouth Strikes again and there is a light that never goes out.  By this time the band were having issues with the record label Rough Trade and band member Andy Rourke was fired, replaced and reinstated.They then became a 5 piece band with Rourke replacement Craig Cannon staying. After releasing the biggest hits Panic and Ask, Cannon left the band and The Smiths left Rough Trade to join EMI.

1987 saw the release of there final studio album Strangeways here we come. This saw shoplifters of the world and Sheila take a bow released as singles. However, it was to come to an abrupt end, with Marr on the verge of a breakdown and members leaving and with musical differences between Marr and Morrisey the band split.

Although the time was short, the music and influence they spread had far more impact. This encouraged other guitar bands from the Manchester area to take it on and aspire the likes of the Stone Roses and Oasis. For that we are eternally grateful.

Recommended listening or purchasing, please click on the title track for further information on The Smiths

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