Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is there an Alternative scene.

Although Independent labels had always co-existed along side the majors, it was the punk inspired indie boom of the late 1970's that introduced this 'Alternative' market. During the early 1980's independent labels started to blossom and in particular Rough Trade Records. However, The majors cottoned onto this and formed there own 'fake indie labels' presumably to cash in on this growing market.

In Britain The Smiths spearheaded the guitar based indie scene built on classic rock sounds and more came onto the scene called the 'C86' movement. The 1980s was still heavily influenced by synth and pop melodies and rock had become distant since the early 1970s. Although Punk Rock had a bash it disappeared virtually within a year. The British tastes were changing and many were yearning for that guitar sound of the 1960's and early 1970's.

So alternative music is essentially music that differs in sound, social comment and its region. There were many sub genres such as Goth Rock, Industrial music or the Madchester scene. Most acts attained minor success but mainly due to low exposure as music was limited to air play on radio, record sales and MTV was in its infancy stage. Today with the mediums of social media, blogs, Internet, downloads etc.. the minor today would quickly become the major..if its good enough that is!

The Smiths championed by many to signal the end of the new wave/ synth era as they embraced the more guitar laden music with witty or political messages. Despite the band having a short career with limited success they set the footprint for others to follow and go on that next stage. This was further proofed when NME magazine released the infamous C86 cassette which featured bands such as The Wedding Present, Primal Scream and the Soup dragons amongst others. This important cassette was deemed as the beginning of Indie Music and helped band all these groups together to further progress this genre of music.

Other forms of rock began to emerge. Jesus and the Mary chain were unleashed from Scotland with a distinct sound of rock with a 1960s feel. Also New Order, completely changed from the Joy Division Goth Rock sound to a more techno and house music mixed with rock. Also the Term shoegazing came into being with Bands like My Bloody Valentine, Ride and Lush. The term was used to describe the musicians who on stage would not move and just look down whilst playing the instruments. The term showmanship was not on there agenda.

Towards the end of the 1980's The Madchester scene was now dominating the news and press with the second summer of love. A drug fuelled period was based around the Hacienda Club in Manchester owned by New Order and Factory Records. This saw bands like The Stone Roses and Happy Mondays mix guitar with acid house rhythms.

The music liberated the industry as production wasn't the be all. It encouraged bands to find there niche and although some may have held unorthodox views on the whole some creative sounds were developed and helped influence the next generation. Also it encouraged more women into that genre with many females fronting rock bands such as My Bloody Valentine and Lush.

To listen to some sounds of 1980s alternative music, click on the artist name or the song. Enjoy!

The Smiths - This Charming Man

The Smiths - What difference does it make

Soup Dragons - I'm Free

Primal Scream - Come Together

The Wedding Present - My Favourite Dress

New Order - Regret

My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow

Ride - Unfamiliar

Lush - Ladykillers

Stone Roses - I wanna be adored

Happy Mondays - Step on

Recommended purchasing or further listening. For further information click on the artist name or title track

The Smiths - Queen is dead

Jesus and the Mary chain - Psychocandy

New Order - Power, corruption and Lies 

Alternative 80's

Dark side of the 80's

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