Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Romantics

New romantics or Blitz kids Was a musical movement in the very early eighties (1980-1984) aimed at the more younger market. It primarily started in London at clubs such as Billy's or Blitz and as a result of increased exposure this began to spread far and wide in the UK.

Bands closely associated with this movement were Ultravox, Duran Duran, Visage, Spandau Ballet, ABC and Culture Club. A number of these bands adopted the Synthesiser feel in there music and coupled with the glossy look and glamorous videos were a hit on the fledgling MTV channel which paved the way for success in the USA. As the decade wore on many of the bands moved away from Synth Pop culture for a more rockier edge and some in particular Duran Duran still continue today.

New Romantics was seen as a revival of Glam Rock from the seventies. Fashion was a big part of the movement where both sexes could dress in the same clothes and use the same brands of make up. The fashion was based on romantic themes with frilly white shirts from the English period mixed with American and french overtures. The hairstyles incorporated the infamous mullet and wedges. The movement was seen as escapism form the normal with much emphasis on the design and image and how you portrayed yourself to the public. The gender bender scenario was a little difficult for some members of the public to accept.

The movement was started by two men Rusty Egan and Steve Strange who originally ran a club night at Billy's but as the popularity grew they moved to Blitz bar in covent garden London. They ran a Tuesday night evening called 'Club for Heroes' Where Steve would work on the door and Egan as the DJ. Admittance was strict and the more outlandish costume you wear the more likely you were to get in.

Popularity grow and more clubs opened in London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. However, Egan and Strange met with Ultravox members Billy Currie and Midge Ure where the ultimate new romantic band formed called Visage which spawned classics like fade to grey and the damned don't cry.

The music was very heavily based on synth sound and eerie feel with rhythmic drumming. It was based heavily on earlier artists such as David Bowie and Kraftwerk. Although attempts were made to move away from the synthesiser feel and Culture Club added a spin of reggae and Motown to there sound.

However, as with most movements there is a limited life span and there was a anti-synth brigade coming into the picture with the likes of indie, metal and pop making more inroads to the public attention. What the New Romantic period bring was change and the ability to change opinions on music with the introduction of digital equipment which helped many in songwriting and making music.

Now enjoy some of the acts that made up the New romantic scene. As they say in the X factor this is in no particular order. Click on the act or the song. Enjoy!

Ultravox - The Voice

Ultravox - Vienna

Visage - Fade to Grey

Visage - The Damned don't cry

Duran Duran - Planet Earth

Duran Duran - Careless memories

Spandau Ballet - Chant No 1

Spandau Ballet - Cut a Long story short

ABC - Poison arrow

ABC - The look of love

Culture Club - Do you really want to hurt me

Marilyn - Calling your name 

Recommended purchasing of new romantics albums

Ultravox - Vienna

Visage - Visage

Duran Duran - Duran Duran

Spandau Ballet - Journeys to Glory

ABC - The Lexicon of Love

Culture Club - Kissing to be clever

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